If proper crosswind correction is being applied, as soon as the airplane is airborne, it will be sideslipping into the wind sufficiently to counteract the drifting effect of the wind. This sideslipping should be continued until the airplane has a positive rate of climb. At that time, the airplane should be turned into the wind to establish just enough wind correction angle to counteract the wind and then the wings rolled level. Firm and aggressive use of the rudders will be required to keep the airplane headed straight down the runway. The climb with a wind correction angle should be continued to follow a ground track aligned with the runway direction. However, because the force of a crosswind may vary markedly within a few hundred feet of the ground, frequent checks of actual ground track should be made, and the wind correction adjusted as necessary. The remainder of the climb technique is the same used for normal takeoffs and climbs.
Common errors in the performance of crosswind takeoffs are:
- Failure to adequately clear the area prior to taxiing onto the active runway.
- Using less than full aileron pressure into the wind initially on the takeoff roll.
- Mechanical use of aileron control rather than sensing the need for varying aileron control input through feel for the airplane.
- Premature lift-off resulting in side-skipping.
- Excessive aileron input in the latter stage of the takeoff roll resulting in a steep bank into the wind at lift-off.
- Inadequate drift correction after lift-off.
Posted By w3n-a to Airplane Flying Handbook at 12/17/2008 07:30:00 AM __._,_.___
Posted by: http://w3n-a.blogspot.com/
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